Friday, February 16, 2007

Reg H1B Visas: Central Chronicle Feb 15

This article Forex reserves racing to $200 bn gives a completely wrong information about H1B visas when it says "...President Bush has realized and just decided to increase the issue of H 1B visas from half a million a year to 800,000 for India..." The total quota for this year is 115,000 and about 20,000 more from exempt category, making around 135,000. 800,000 is total nuts, and off by too wide a margin and shame on you, the News writer.

What this blog is about?

Main stream news media has gone hopelessly down in their quality and its pathetic of how poor statistics and opinions they bring to our table.

So, this watchdog blog is created to hit out on the bad news and point to their mistakes in statistics and opinions. If you have news columns that are hopelessly poor, point them to me and I'll publish it.